Open Your Gift

Fear is often talked as being opposite of love.  I don’t find that to be true.   The thing about fear is that it doesn’t believe. It assumes the position of doomsday around the corner and prepares you for it, to the point where if it is successful, it’ll stop you entirely.  Not even in your tracks, but all together. A fear powerful enough makes time stand still. Motion cease. A capture of a moment where all ceases to function.  And this is captured not just in your outward appearance, but in your body, a snapshot of time frozen.  As if stopping will somehow stop the ‘bad’ from happening.  Fight, Flight, Freeze.


Yet, even in its place, frozen and action ceased, the heart still beats.  The breath still goes.  There is still life.  There is still love.   Fear itself is not death.  It only pretends to be.  Underneath Life still continues. Love still continues.  When we make a conscious choice to stop, because of a fear, we are choosing death.  Even if it’s a slow death. But God doesn’t.

  When we make the choice to let fear change our actions, we choose death over Life

Which is why you experience fear in the first place. It’s an invitation to go deeper.  To dismantle what you think you know.  What you think is true.


Even in places where the body is frozen in trauma, Life still has a way of doing what needs to be done with your body in order to save you through automatic reactions, compensations and adaptions – things that you are not conscious of – to allow life to thrive in any way it can.


And yet, the decision of what you do next, is entirely yours.  Your action shows you.  What you believe.  What you allow.  How much you trust in the One that runs everything.  How much are willing to receive the love that is showered upon you in every given moment.



Fear is an invitation to go deeper.  To dismantle what you think you know about Life.


At the end of the day, fear itself isn’t even real. We hear that often. Just as in darkness itself isn’t real.  But rather the effects of dimming of Light and Faith. We experience these effects and call it something else as if to make it a real thing, when really, within itself, it has no substance. If anything, it goads and bullies us into stopping our own lives. Stopping the fullness of life that God wants to rain on us.


The experience of it, this perceived place of fear, however – is very real.  The dimming of Light does make a room darker. It slows you do down.  You became hesitant.  Doubtful. Your imagination can see things in the shadows.  It stops you. Or it moves you to buy excess toilet paper.   Or wear a mask constantly.  Or run to get vaccinated.  As if we have to urgently do something because God doesn’t have our back.  Really what we are saying is that it’s not the darkness in the room that stops us, but in not seeing everything there is to see (to control it) that does. 


The lack of trust that people have, the lack of confidence in being fully supported and safe and cared for by God is what stops us.  To the point where to some people God has failed to exist,  become irrelevant to everyday modern life or relegated to a Sunday checkbox as they take matters in their own hands the rest of the week. 


How would things be different if you actually believed in that full support.  If you knew it. How would you then move through your life?  What kind of person would you be?


Fear is a signpost to where you have not Trusted God and let God in


There’s all such research on neuropathways and brain neuroplacisity that talks about how change shows up in the body through our experiences everyday. How the brain changes to allow and automate differences all the way around to change habits, create more happiness, better health and even changes genetics.  Science is showing us the proof that we have had more creative potential than we could have ever imagined. So why aren’t we using more of it?


What suppresses that potential is the actual experience of fear that we have running in our day to day lives. The anxiety, worry, doubt, discomfort.


Those quiet fears that we may not even notice are lingering in the corners as we are going about our day.  The ones that secretly believe we are alone and unsafe. The ones that silently handcuff us to this ordinary rather than stepping into our calling and become extraordinary.


And we all have a calling. None of us were born by accident.  We are all significant and necessary. Size doesn’t matter.  What does matter is your active pursuit of trust and surrender to God and his Grace in moving towards it. One step, however tentative it feels, at a time. 


The interesting thing about the calling(s), is that it doesn’t even matter what it is.  Its not the type or number of gifts wrapped under the tree that is meaningful.  Or whether you see it as big, small, impactful or desired by others.  Its recognizing it was given to you in the first place.  Specifically to you and for you for both you and others. Crafted uniquely for your makeup and nature.  And it comes to you in a quiet pull.  The pull that unsettles you because its something you have not yet done. The one that will not give you rest.  And continues to beckon you. 


Your calling is your practical, objective invitation to replace your fears with Truth


Open and Explore it. Doing so allows a whole new understanding of God and the security you haven’t yet allowed.  And it starts with deciding to step through your fears and act on that call. In whatever small way, to begin.  Start Today.  


When you do, you allow more Life, more Love, more Truth than you can imagine and you end up giving and receiving the best gifts of all.  So open your gift. It’s Christmas time.  It, God and the rest of the world are waiting for you.  You’ll be amazed in wonder at what you discover.








Don't know where to Start?

I’m Katherina, an artist, coach, a guide to healing, I’ve spent the last 20+ years learning to reconnect, discover and live in alignment to truth. I’ve taken the long road to vibrancy, health, purpose and now I help others discover their own path to wholeness. Let’s talk and get you some clarity on your situation. Don’t worry, It’s totally free.

Find Out More

Schedule some time to chat about your situation
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262-744-9123 or

©Katherina Kolmodin, LLC 2020

Getting unstuck and (finally) moving forward

When I had my epiphany that I needed to change the direction earlier this year – that I would be guided in what I would do – I thought that everything was crystal clear.  Somehow I’ve turned a corner and that things would just rapidly change. Finally I found the key, what was there the whole time, the single thing that I was missing that would ‘change everything’. It certainly felt that way. Like the seas parted and that I had the clarity to move forward with certainty, direction and it would be seamless now. Or so I thought.  

Truth be told, I’ve thought that many times over.   More times than I can count.  I don’t know what it is that it seems I’m always on the lookout for ‘the one thing’ that would change everything.  I’m blessed to have had lots of monumental moments (so grateful for that!) Each epiphany was filled with hope that finally I’d have that missing piece.  It feels good for awhile.  Reality then sets in.  There’s still work to be done. And insight, while inspiring and hopeful, is only a part of the equation. An important part, no doubt, but the easiest part.  

When you unplug long enough to make the space for receiving insight, listen with your sole (and soul) attention, the faucet will flow with answers and inspirations.  The fog lifts, the clarity is razor sharp – you know what you have to do. You have certainty. You can begin. You’re energized with hope and vision. You can start.  The key here is to unplug long enough to nullify the culture voices that are barraging you every moment of the day.

When you unplug long enough to make space for receiving insight the faucet flows with answers and inspirations

I don’t hear too many people talk about the second step though. And the third.  And the 4th.

When filled with inspiration, the starting is easy.  And if someone requested what you are doing, there’s some pressure to do it quickly to meet expectations. If you are lucky it’ll push you across the finish line where you’ll get some feedback and experience to validate your work and process.

But when its your own call you’re answering, when its important to ‘get right’, when its something you are creating for impact – its not long before the certainty disappears, the fog descends. The doing becomes slower or stops altogether as the clarity becomes a distant memory and hope begins to deflate.

Creating anything always is a leap into the unknown. It goes against logic, control, being in charge of the outcome.  It’s always a dance between being a vessel for what wants to come through while setting yourself aside – setting aside your intentions, ambitions, wishes, desires, visions for the outcome and allow your self to be indefinitely suspended in this unknown place.  

It can be trying.  Not because it’s trying within itself, but because of what eventually comes with it. 

Pursuing that inspiration can be trying, because of what eventually comes with it.

The criticism.  

The doubt.

The crippling uncertainty. 

A therapist I knew once saw called it ‘the committee’  – all those voices that are meaner than the meanest person you’ll ever meet – in attempt to derail you every given moment. Steven Pressfield calls it ‘Resistance’. I’ve come to understand they are indeed active evil forces.  

It’s funny how I never hear them when I’m off binge watching something on Netflix or staying up too late or having way too many cookies and chocolate (ask my husband!).  Nope, those things are apparently ok, despite them leading to my eventual demise.

But to all the other things, the things to deepen my spiritual life, my art, my service and health – front and center – they work overtime.   It sucks.  It’s hard to get things done.  It becomes hard to get started.  It becomes hard to remember why you are doing it and even when you do, there’s a kind of fog wall around it that makes it lose its edges. Energy can deplete and the place of flow elusive.  It’s hard to keep going.  

The other day I read something in a feed The devil is not afraid of your talents, but of your influence. Hmm. I let it turn over slowly in my head. It stayed with me the following day.  And another day after. There was something to this.  There’s no greater way to stop your influence than to erode your confidence shortly after you’ve started.  In fact, I’ve found that for me it’s strongest then.  Once I have the burst of inspiration its easy to let it fuel my action, but when it slows? When inspiration is dry? When contemplation is quiet? When listening is restless?  It’s a whole different ballgame.

One,admittedly, I’m still getting used to playing. 

The devil is not afraid of your talents, but of your influence

And as I’ve made my decision and actively moved towards prioritizing this work, I’ve found myself increasingly strangled.

I don’t like it. 

Apparently it goes hand in hand with any creative endeavor (so I’ve been told).

Coaches will blanket tell you its based on your personal fears.  It’s not the whole truth.  I think the evil committee paints a perilous picture, threatening you every moment of the way, looking to convince you into caving.  If you hear things long enough, you start to believe them.  But is it MY fear? Eh. 

Having a back history of depression, there were many times I wished I could just fast forward my life and get to the end of it.   In other words, the fear of dying wasn’t really one for me.  Yet every fear is supposedly based on that premise – primal survival. So what’s actually driving this ?

Love is.

The spiritual battle is real

The spiritual battle is real.  People are seeing it more today, I think. I hope. Whether they recognize it with what’s happened in our politics, the media or just in our communities. But where it really takes hits, where it’s really taking place, is within ourselves. In our own lives individually.

Yet if people don’t recognize it for what it is, its easy to miss and fall prey to it. And thrash around in a spiral of self destruction.

It’s not a fear of death based in survival as much as a separation from Love (and our very essence) that drives it.  And the most tangible way we experience the expression of God’s Love in this life is through people. 

We don’t fear death as much as we fear losing our connection to God

To create, to desire to create and bring something forth – is an inspiration of Love.  Its a way that God expresses through people for each other.   We may not know how or in what way, our creation or using our talent will be used to influence,  but that silent pull in that direction – its one in which God is calling us for others (and ourselves).

The other clamor yammer is an active representative of those evil forces.  The voices come usually after you start.  But before then, before the words make themselves known, I experience it as actually feeling bound.  Or sometimes a massive heaviness. Resistance is a good word, because its the closest of the experience to it – it feels like you move in slow motion, carrying weights of whatever is clinging on to you, desperately dragging on you, from either sitting down and writing, picking up the paint brush, speaking out and up, doing the next step for your business, doing your workout, making that vulnerable admission to someone you love, or whatever the next step in your call is. Distracting you with other ‘more important’ things, sucking your energy, fogging your brain, making you sick, doing whatever it takes to do a full out assault war to keep Love from being activated in the world.  

Ironically the forces use our own essence of  Love against us – it threatens the separation of Gods Love – from people, from Life. When in reality, the act of creating and sharing itself unites us with others and Gods love for them. And Gods love for us.  It strengthens our communion with God and with each other – the actual opposite of what the committee threatens will happen.  We feel more at peace.  More centered. More rooted and grounded in the timeless nature of who we are.

Creating and sharing strengthens our communion with God – the actual opposite of what the forces threaten will happen.

The evil committee is not effective because we think we will die.  Its effective because we think we will lose our connection to the Love (Gods love).  The Love that flows through people to us. The Love that creates everything. Which is impossible. But we fall for it. Over and over.

And just like the resistance you have in lifting weights, it’s a similar experience in that. It takes extra effort to do. Technically you CAN do it. But you don’t. You don’t know why you don’t. It seems hard. It seems not fun. It needs extra oomph to move through it or even to get started. It can give compelling reasons why not to follow through.  Especially when you don’t recognize it for what it is.  If it doesn’t win with distraction and moving to self sabotage, you are left with sludge work of doing the heavy lifting with all those committee monkeys hanging on your back making it ever so hard to continue and finish. 

What makes more sense to me – is acknowledging that this IS a spiritual war, and committing to the spiritual aspect of it, actively connecting with God,  filling yourself up with that connection, asking for help and strength in prayer and then get started.  Let Grace carry you.

Acknowledge it is a spiritual war and commit to actively connecting with God. Let Grace carry you.

I never believed in creating habits (I was looking for ways to break rules not make more of them!) and yet its critical when engaging in spiritual warfare. You can’t go by how you feel or directed in the moment (Because it usually won’t feel good initially and your direction manipulated). This is especially true if a relationship with God and prayer is not your center.  And even if it is, in any moment, you can be pulled off without your awareness.

You can’t always be in flow (if you are, you aren’t an active threat to the forces).. In fact, when I first read Steven Pressfield’s War of Art, several years ago – I disagreed.  It was not my experience at all.  I was ‘In Flow’ most of the time. Making art was not difficult.  It was an act of surrender which fed me, as I lost track of time and felt nourished.  Same with writing.  In fact, I wrote every day for 3 years straight without issue. It wasn’t until I decided to share my art that I started running into problems.  Problems which, at the time, I thought meant I was not really meant to do this – instead of what they really are.  Spiritual attacks.  

The devil fears not your talent but your influence. 

Spiritual attacks require spiritual armor. An extra dose of Faith. And yes, some rules of prayer, for the healing and Grace to lift you through. You can’t do it yourself.  It’ll attack your very best habits, practices, hacks and tricks, poking every unhealed wound in its mission to derail you.  And when you finish the work, yet another dose or two of prayer for grace and the habit to actually get it out there and deliver your act of Love to those who need it. 

The #1 thing everybody could use more of

Nobody really knows what’s going on with another person.  At least not entirely. A lot of people who have known me awhile were surprised to hear pieces of my experience. It’s not like I tried to hide them. If somebody would have asked, I would have told them.  

From my experience, people are not all that interested in what’s going on underneath the surface. What’s really happening.  Not because they are heartless, but rather because, in general, it’s uncomfortable. We are taught social niceties as if they are the reality of the human experience.  It’s awkward to be real, but it shouldn’t be.  We are all human after all.  Yet we are taught to position ourselves to look attractive to others in order to gain favor – as if that is what really matters – not what is actually going on underneath.  It may seem like a minor  (and maybe even pleasant) thing, to play the part, but the repercussions are huge.

Disconnection. Despite all the myriad of ways technology now allows us to connect.

Suicides right now are higher than ever.  People are fighting all over the place.  Our world is breaking down before our eyes. Nobody is getting along.  Some are even priding themselves on the division, ever stronger in their stance.

And worse yet, a lot of people are afraid, more than ever, to say anything.

More fears loom, of losing job, position and status, and the threat of harm if one doesn’t follow. 

Again, Disconnection. 

People are so attached to what they think reality is or should be or what they thought it was, that they miss what it actually is. 

People.  With wounds. Being raised by other wounded people. All are looking for love and somehow default to dysfunctional patterns that do nothing to fix those wounds (even though we tell ourselves it does) and instead, create more wounds – the very wounds that we ourselves were trying to heal.  (Hello generational patterns, genetic programming and repeat of history – thanks for joining)

It’s not anyones fault.  And yet its everybody’s fault.  Somehow we have gotten the idea that we have to look good externally to be good, to play the part that we think will ‘win’.  To somehow be better than others. (Which means someone has to be treated as less). It seems like people are afraid to be honest and real. 


People are afraid to be honest and real.


We see pictures and images of what success looks like (whatever that is) and try to become that.  I know I  did.  I unknowingly compared myself to what others said was good and the standard was set.  And I would try to meet that and would fail miserably over and over.    And if I didn’t – it wasn’t a great big success or feel great for long.  It was more like – OK, checked that box.   Maybe I got a pat on the back or felt some relief that I achieved something I had set out to do. Then what. Guess I do it all over again with something else. (Which was soul-lessly pointless to me). I had such a hard time playing the part.

I was going for what it looked like on paper, the strategy,  what should be right, what was going to keep me safe, instead of digging a bit deeper.  Instead of looking deeper into all those things I was trying to avoid for the sake of acceptance in ’looking good’ or having the ‘good life’ or avoiding a “bad” outcome.  I wasn’t tuning in.  Not really.  I knew where my buttons were, but in those early days, didn’t make the real effort to unravel them.  Instead what often came out was justification. Sure I was justified.  But justification never brings about healing and is a poor consolation prize for it. 

Avoidance is the real problem.


Avoidance of internal discomforts is the real problem. And everybody does it.  Those painful personal truths about who think you might be.  And the threat that those lies may tell others about you. And how they might see you. And what you think life is all about.  It creates a downward spiral. For you and every relationship you’re in.

The thing about avoidance is that it creates your own prison.  You can’t see clearly or move freely with an elephant in the room. It’ll always block you from seeing the whole picture. Years ago when I had these spells of crippling fear – I didn’t think twice about avoiding it..  A person in a place of unquestioned fear never does.  A reaction just takes over.  Even a questioned fear can bring about a strategy to mitigate risk of the fear coming to fruition – or to somehow gain power over it.   Yet another layer of allowing the fear to dictate your actions – in the way we interact with it and others.  It wasn’t until my life became physically unsustainable that I was forced to look deeper.  

And that’s the irony about fear – if you do anything other than deeply connect with it – anything to manage it or control it – it will have power over you and forever run your show.  


If you don’t connect with those deeper feelings they will always run your show

Even seemingly outwardly ‘good’ things can, at the root of it, be rotting you and will eventually lead you to see that. And how seemingly ‘bad’ things will turn out as something richly good (you will know a tree by the fruit it bears). No truth is ever permanently hidden. 

We are like tops spinning on a table – spinning in our own little orbits. None of them touching, yet all of them spinning  furiously. Spinning in our fears yet not going anywhere.  Yet if any of these tops really connected to each other – they might knock for a moment but would eventually stop spinning altogether.  They would still each other’s fears and rest in peace. 

And yet it requires us to fully connect.   With each other.  With God.

Connection is the Key

Its the only place where healing and true power can come from. And unlike avoidance or strategy, it actually removes the obstacle instead of trying to go around it. 

I said that I had stepped out of my comfort zone many times (and done my fair share of emotional cliff diving) and that’s true, but the bigger truth is that most times I didn’t have to.  My biggest discomfort was in being honest with myself  – and not the surface honesty, but the deep dig to China, what was really going on emotionally underneath in the layer after layer after layer of lies and protections I believed.  The fascinating thing, when Grace comes in, you don’t even know what heals.   You’re not trying to meet a certain goal.  Or exact a certain outcome.  You don’t have to.  Things just happen.  Things that you didn’t expect.  Or think of.  But is better than what you could have imagined. And you just become more of the real you.  The one that loves freely and openly without feeling threatened by potential extinction.   The person you always were but somehow deeply convinced it wasn’t OK to be. 

Connection invites Grace to Transform 

It doesn’t mean people will suddenly agree with you.  Or see things the same way.  And that’s good too. Nobody on earth has the exact same perspective.  Or are in the same place. And we aren’t supposed to.  And yet that’s why we are all needed – to come together and share the nugget we have been given.  To be the key for someone else’s lock.  And to allow another to be the key to your own, if you are willing.  But it requires the humility to deeply connect with our own fallibility first and the courage to honestly connect with one another.  In that, Love pours through and transforms everything.   In the face of evil (or anything), Love. Never. Fails. And it all starts first with connecting deeply with those exact fears we are being oppressed by, to experience our humanity and the truth of Gods grace underneath. Only then can we truly understand and connect with others and experience the love, acceptance and healing we so desperately crave.
















Don't know where to Start?

I’m Katherina, an artist, coach, a guide to healing, I’ve spent the last 20+ years learning to reconnect, discover and live in alignment to truth. I’ve taken the long road to vibrancy, health, purpose and now I help others discover their own path to wholeness. Let’s talk and get you some clarity on your situation. Don’t worry, It’s totally free.

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262-744-9123 or

©Katherina Kolmodin, LLC 2020

Facing the Blank Canvas (of Life)

It was like a frying pan smacked me in the head. I realized all that I had been in pursuit of was actually creating the very thing I was looking to be free from. I could continue down the road I created years ago or I could leap into the unknown where there could be something else entirely.  I could not do both. 

For those of you that don’t know me well, I’ve been on a spiritual journey that has taken me for a ride over the last 15 years.  This is my next major stop.  Or rather start.   When Jesus says to you its time to let go of your ‘job’ and unconscious motivations behind it, you’d think it’s a no brainer to listen, but it took me 2 months and external prompting to actually do it. Thats the thing with deeply imbedded patterns – they are a dickens to change and they bring up every hidden fear and trauma for a stare down. It was time to let go.  To turn a corner in trusting in this direction I am being led – into the inkiness of the unknown and to let go of these huge boulders disguised as protection and safety while simultaneously keeping me on a treadmill of self-defeat. 

I had been praying  since 2009  to be shown what my direction is, where to go. And I’ve messily followed the path (more details on that in my upcoming book) and I continue to follow it  not quite knowing where I’m going, or how I’m meant to serve.  Or what exactly is ahead. 

I’ve thought I’ve been right where I’ve been wrong.  I thought where I was so wrong, ended up being right.  I have no idea where its going or where I’m ultimately going to end up.  I just know where I am now.   I’ve jumped off the cliff.  But instead of waiting for the net to appear,  I’m standing before the blank canvas of my life, surrendering into that which I’d already been asked to do and to go ahead and actually do it. 

I’ve felt the call to share my journey almost as long as my call to paint.  I’ve written plenty, but sharing – that’s a whole other story.  I have not done a great job of answering that.  More like pretending to answer and then just hanging up.  Until now.  I’m listening and going even deeper than I have before in trusting God, not only in the small things in life, but the risky big ones too. 

To give you some insight – I have had an Achilles heel, kryptonite fear of being seen for as long as I can remember.  The crippling fear at its worst was horrific public speaking and at its best, the shy one, panicking in the corner.  To an outsider it may not seem like much, but on the inside, I’ve died a million times. Every time I went to any social gathering, no matter how small, with any remote amount of attention on me, my whole system hay-wired and the room swayed.  This included visiting family too. Heart pummeling in my ears, couldn’t breathe, sweating profusely, brain stopped working, couldn’t even think. Just pure misery.  It was like this as early as I can remember.   

Understandably, I took every opportunity to avoid feeling that (who wouldn’t?). It was so bad, I avoided courses and whole realms of study to not have to do any public speaking or in generally getting out there.  As a young adult, I didn’t even want to pick up the phone for as little as making an appointment.   I used to get mild panic attacks just from the idea of going to a grocery store by myself. Or even in answering the door for trick or treat during Halloween. (How sad is that?) When I was forced to be in front of a stage for class/work, I would shake so bad I couldn’t hold a piece of paper without it rattling.  I would literally lose my shit along with my appetite just thinking about it. I broke into such a sweat, my body shutting down, I would actually start to see stars.  

I share this because its a big deal for me to share anything personal and may shed some light on the gravity of the project I’m taking on and the trust I am putting in not only the direction but also the timing. This project is the sharing of this new stage of my journey, because it’s what I’m being asked to do.  And its  not actually that its the first time I’ve been called to document and share my journey of discovery – It’s taken 10 years of the phone ringing.  Actually if I go back even further, its probably closer to 34.   Its taken a lot of healing to get here.  Seriously.  A lot.  I won’t go into thee nitty gritty of my story here, but I can tell you I’ve gone from having difficulty going to the grocery store alone to traveling for weeks alone to the other side of the world. I’m probably still terrible at public speaking – I haven’t tried it in a few years but thats part of what all this is, I guess.  The next step into the unknown.

I know there are others where the phone has been ringing.  Maybe its your time to answer it too. A few months ago,  I asked myself, if I died tomorrow, what would be my biggest regret?  I was in tears when I realized it was in not following through fully on Gods call after asking for it for so many years. 

So here’s the public beginning of vulnerability in answering the call.   I may stop and start.   It’s most likely going to be messy and ugly.  Maybe a bit unoriginal or backwards. Or hypocritical as I stumble backwards, forwards and back again.   I don’t know what it’s going to be.  Or how it’s going to turn out.  It’ll be raw.  It’ll be real. It’ll be an adventure.  (And it’ll probably still continue to give me a mild heart attack as I see it through)

This is the same I approach my canvases – leaning into the silence of Love and following the directions pulling me. And witnessing the pain and healing of it in the process. This is a capture of that same communion into not just a painting, but into life. 

That means :  no strategies, no plans other than to create space for listening and following through in sharing whatever that is.  Whether its a painting, a story, a journey, a recipe, an idea, healing, invitations, challenges or something else that I don’t even know of yet, this blog is meant to share the process, of stepping into the life of Faith into what Gods plan is versus my own. I have no idea of exactly what’s in store.  We’ll see together – and this is my invitation to you to join me on the ride.  


Don't know where to Start?

I’m Katherina, an artist, coach, a guide to healing, I’ve spent the last 20+ years learning to reconnect, discover and live in alignment to truth. I’ve taken the long road to vibrancy, health, purpose and now I help others discover their own path to wholeness. Let’s talk and get you some clarity on your situation. Don’t worry, It’s totally free.

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Schedule some time to chat about your situation
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262-744-9123 or

©Katherina Kolmodin, LLC 2020